Made by Boophie 🏆

Complete Classic Gold Guide

Welcome to Boophies Classic WoW (Era, Hardcore, Fresh) gold making guide, inside he’ll teach you everything you need to know about making gold in Classic WoW (Era, Hardcore, Fresh), including the best farming methods and secrets for reaching gold cap.

Price: $20

100+ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ reviews

✅ Instant access
✅ Life-time updates
✅ Works with all versions of Classic (Era, Hardcore, Fresh)

How To Access The Guide After Buying

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Why You Need This guide

Master Gold Making

This guide will teach you how to make insane amounts of gold in Classic WoW.

Gold Farms

You will get in depth guides on all the best gold farms and methods in Classic WoW.


Learn how profession works and all the ways to make gold from them in Classic WoW.

Premium Gold Making Guide

The guide is on our website once you buy it you will have lifetime access and free updates.

Level up your gold making in Classic WoW TODAY!

Classic Gold Guide

Content In Guide

We go over all the best classes for gold farming and why they are good or not to help you pick which class play.

List of all the best addons all gold makers should have.

General gold making tips to become a better gold maker and make more gold.

In the guide we go over the best profession and how to make gold from the professions.

List of the best profession for gold making and why they are in Classic.

In this part of the guide, we help you pick the right profession.

All the best gold farms in Classic with depth guides for each gold farm teaching you everything you need to know about each farm to do them correctly.

How selling dungeon boosting works and how you can make gold from doing it.

How GDKP’S work and how to make gold from them.

Investments for each phase of Classic.


What makes this guide special

Best gold farms

We have in depth guides about all the gold farms in Classic WoW, we go the extra mile to make them easy to understand and follow.

Secret methods

We have secret methods of making gold no one else is talking about that will help you stand out from the crowd when it comes to gold making.

Profession guides

In depth profession guides that help you master the art of making insane amounts of gold with professions in Classic WoW.

Live price data

We have live price data for items we talk about in the guide, giving you accurate prices for both NA & EU severs.

Item tooltips

We have built in item tooltips for each item, when you hover over an item you will see the full tooltip of the item.

Free updates

This guide will be constantly updated and improved, and you will get all future updates for free after purchasing the guide once for a lifetime.

Customer Reviews

What our customers have to say about the guide

Frequently asked questions


Click on the buy now button, purchase and make an account to access the guide.

You get access to my complete Classic WoW gold guide on the website, with a lifetime of free updates.

Yes, there will be updates whenever necessary, and you will get all future updates for free.

After buying the guide you will be able to log in to your gold capped account and access the guide by clicking the “access now” button at the top of this page or by clicking here…

Classic, era, hardcore, fresh and anniversary realms.

Yes all methods work on all regions both NA & EU.

Yes, if you have any questions just message the team on discord and we will help you.

Yes, the guide is on our website, and you can access it by logging into your gold capped account after buying the guide and by clicking the “access now” button at the top of this page or by clicking here…

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